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Testing and Assessment

Universal Screeners

More information on the FAST Assessment 
MPS District Assessment Website
Lake Harriet Lower Testing Calendar
Lake Harriet Upper Testing Calendar

Lake Harriet FAST and MCA Testing Window - click the links above for more detailed information.

Tests by grade band:

Grade Fall Winter Spring

Early reading(required)
Concepts of Print
Onset Sounds
Letter Names
Letter Sounds
10 Minutes total

Early reading(required)
Onset Sounds
Letter Sounds
Word Segmenting
Decodable Words
10 Minutes total

Early Reading(required)
Letter Sounds
Word Segmenting
Sight Words
Decodable Words
10 Minutes total

Grades 1 and 2

Early reading (first grade)
15 to 30 minutes each

Early reading (first grade)
15 to 30 minutes each

Early reading (first grade)
15 to 30 minutes each

Grades 3 through 5

aReading (required)
aMath (required)
15 to 30 minutes each

aReading (required)
aMath (required)
15 to 30 minutes each

aReading (optional)
aMath (optional)
15 to 30 minutes each
MCA Reading & Math
2 days for each
MCA Science - 5th grade