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Identification of Advanced Learners

Background Information

One component of the MPS framework for developing student talent and accelerating learning for our most advanced learners is a new identification process that takes into account achievement, ability, and demonstrated characteristics in and out of the classroom.

The new screening process is designed to find:

  • students who perform at an advanced level when compared with others of the same age, experience, or environment
  • students who show the potential for performing at an advanced level,
  • advanced learners representative of all of our diverse student body, including those who are culturally, linguistically, and economically diverse (CLED).

Identification Criteria

Decisions about advanced learner identification for currently enrolled MPS students will consider the following:

  • Assessment of ability (Cognitive Abilities Test - CogAT7)
  • Assessment of achievement (MAP)
  • Information from teachers and parents about demonstrated characteristics in and out of the classroom

Students may be screened yearly. Once a student has been identified as an advanced learner in MPS, they do not need to be evaluated again.

MPS does not administer individual intelligence tests for the identification of advanced learners. However, MPS will accept a full-scale score of 130 or above on an IQ test administered in the last two years by an approved, licensed psychologist/psychiatrist.  Contact the Office of Talent Development for more information.

Students Not Currently Enrolled in an MPS School

At this time, there are no MPS schools that require advanced learner identification for entrance requirements or placement purposes.  Once a student is enrolled in an MPS school, he/she may be evaluated to determine the appropriate level of service. Screening will take place yearly.

More information from MPS